There are two stories going on that intertwine in the end, but you can definitely tell--by the chapter headings, when you change stories. Lizzie was my favorite character throughout the entire book with her, "Lar-de-dar" in a high pitched voice. Lizzie was constantly making me laugh, and I really liked the relationship the reader feels with her through Sharon Creech's words.
I liked this book because it was about two best friends growing up, and how they have trials of one sort or another. Also, it had a tiny bit of romance.
"Finn was floating toward me. Truly, I think he floated on the air . . . He glided toward me. He floated toward me. I felt I would faint. I was hallucinating. His lips touched my cheek, lightly, like the swish of a butterfly's wing, and because I felt awkward and did not know how to respond, I lifted his hand and softly kissed his palm."I have loved Sharon Creech's books in the past, but I was a little disappointed with this one. It was good--but it just wasn't what I think of as "Sharon Creech good." However, it was a very fun book to read, and I would recommend this book to many kids.
I loved the ending though, and Sharon Creech is going to have to write a sequel to it soon . . . .
The Great Unexpected
by Sharon Creech
published by HarperCollins
September 2012
Recommended for ages 8-12
How have I never heard of Sharon Creech?! I'll be putting her books on the library list today.